Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How could i forget ur touch ur warm embrace

So its been one week since i was mmmburned and i am feeling 10000% better. When nicole and i got to the show it was very apparent that Taylor had the flu. he could hardly sing, so all was forgiven! The show was great they played tons of old stuff and some new stuff and i loved every min of it. Songs off the middle of nowhere cd make me feel like im 14 again and it immediately brings back that giddy groupie love that i have for them. Ive seen hanson live about a dozen times, and it always makes me so happy. So hanson, i am sorry i was so mad @ u this time last week. Thank u for making me who i am today. Thanks for growing up with me and being such a huge part of my life, but most of all thank u for never losing touch with the musicians you are. For years i dealt with the stigma that came from being a hanson fan, but i am so glad i stuck it out. Everyone needs someone/thing they are passionate about and as dorky as u think this makes me, hanson is my passion. I may not be as crazy as i was when i was in high school, but the hanson love is still there. When ever i start to think that i might be growing out of them, they come right back and suck me in. Last weeks show was a stark remind of this. The feeling, the thrill and the joy of hearing and seeing them live, whether im 15 or 26, never changes. And that is why hanson will *always* be my passion.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


So tonight im seeing hanson live for the 10th or so time. Im not as excited this year as i was last year, mostly because of the bad timing of the show. It comes smack in the middle of my 2nd 50 hour work week, and its cold out =(. Last night i was innocently watching the news and i was just about to hit the power button on the tv and crawl into bed but for some reason i hesitated and waited. The promo for the morning news was on and thats when it happened 'and 90s pop group hanson live in studio!!' i screamed like a 14 year old girl. i was so excited. i called caitlin we picked out and outfit and i was so ready to meet hanson and tell them how much of a fan i am. i set not one, but 2 alarms, just in case the first one didnt go off. I got up before the SUN! when i left this morning everything was falling into place and going just a little too well. i was at my desk around 7 and on the phone with caitlin squealing about how nervous i was. some time passed and at around 740 i was getting antsy. i hadnt heard anyone mention anything on the news about them coming in. So i walked to the news room and asked our helicopter guy if i had *gasp* missed them! he might as well have punched me square in the jaw! they CANCELLED.. i cant even tell u the mix of emotions i felt. i went from what was squaring out to be the single best day of my life, so what will now forever be known as the absolute worst day of my life. I dunno why am am so shocked, these good things never happen to me. i knew something was going to go wrong. i KNEW it. I mean i know i should be thankful i met them 9 years ago (holy shit im getting old) but its just not the same. And then it makes me question the band. They have always had this indy band feel and they always seemed like they were good guys. But this is just so 'eh im a rock star i dont give a fuck' it makes me sick. Is this how they treat there fans? i cant be the only person who was looking fwd to this. i mean they had a commitment, and they just broke it, for no real good reason and i am hurt and confused but the whole ordeal. Now i wont be able to enjoy tonight because im beyond mad @ them AND i got 4 hrs of sleep. EF MY LIFE
So now i sit here, im beyond tired, i feel like i have been punched in the face and i still have to go into boston for the show tonight, that is if i make it through the day...