Monday, November 12, 2007


Saturday night was awesome! TSO was so much fun! The show was amazing and the DCU center is actually really small so there really are not any bad seats. There was a little stage right next to our section and they had pyro on in and they did a song there! it was cool =). When they did the pyro you could feel th heat! The band must get really hot during performances. But yea, i cant wait till next year cuz we really need to see them again!
So dan and i wanted to go to dinner before-hand, there was a show @ 3 and then our show was @ 8... We got to Worcester at 6 and the garage litterly filled up right after we parked! and then all the restaurants had an hr + wait, so we really didnt have time, doors were @ 7 so we just got in line and got the worlds saltiest hot dog and some nachos. =) lol. It was still a lot of fun tho!

yesterday i had a total New England moment... My neighbor was outside it was prob 40* out and we were talking about how it was nice out... lol, only in NE!


D.C. said...

Yay TSO! :)

And only in NE would we say its nice at 40 degrees.

Caitlin said...

Seriously. When it's 40 here I'm wearing earmuffs, a scarf and gloves and running to where I need to be.

But I'd take that over wearing FLIP FLIPS.