Sunday, April 5, 2009

my weekend

My weekend has been SO busy! We are in the remortgaging the house to save some money every month on our mortgage. What i didnt realize when i started this process was that someone would come and assess the house value. We literally have about 3 projects we are smack in the middle of that make the house look unfinished. So last week when the bank called to schedule our appointment i started to panic! i have sooo much work to do on the house. We have gotten a lot done over the weekend and as i sit here the house is in ruins, everything is a mess... And we still have a few more things to finish up. On top of all of this we are putting in replacement windows. i have spent every spare dime and minuet on fixing up the house over the past week. hopefully it will all be worth it. we have been in the house over 2 years now and we have done so much to it... sometimes it feels like we are never going to finish. I knew having a house would be a lot of work, but i just want my life back! Not helping matters is the fact that i have been super busy at work as well. By the time i come home during the week im too tired to do anything. I am looking forward to next weekend when i wont have to paint, saw, sand, hammer, vacuum or anything!

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

I don't want to depress you further, but my parents bought this house in 1983 and they are STILL fixing it up, ha. Of course some of that is the second go-round.