Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I am by no means athletic. I am actually horribly awkward and uncoordinated. i haven't played a sport since i was in 8th grade(ish) and we didnt even HAVE gym in high school. i am also not the most patient person in the world so i always lose interest in activities i am not immediately skilled at. I hate how terrible i am at every sport i try. I loath the act of running and really, really, really suck at it. Coordination is NOT my strong suit. If there's a way to awkwardly get hurt, fall, miss a ball, and hit my self in the face, I will find it!
Which leads me to last night. In my never ending quest to actually have a hobby and do something productive with my life (and to maybe get in a little shape!) I decided to give the fine sport of tennis a try. Lets remind everyone that i am horribly out of shape and tennis involves a LOT of running. I decided to learn with my brother, who plays hockey and has made it his lifes mission to make me feel like an awkward sloth. While we were both learning yesterday he pointed out how terribly i run. Now i have a complex, have people been making fun of me my whole life for the way i run?? I mean i know people have been making fun of me my whole life, but i never thought running would be used for their ammunition! This makes me want to practice my running. to prove that i can overcome my lack of coordination and at least become ok @ tennis. Tennis last night went ok. i am not very good and found plenty of ways too look like a fool, but i think for my first time i did ok. I want to practice a lot so i can get better, i could see how tennis could be fun but right now its one of us serving the ball (which we have both become excellent @) and the other one chasing after it. And i keep swinging my racket and completely missing the ball, but other than that i did ok! :)
We might go back out tonight, it has been raining all day, but it did stop i need to stick to this hobby!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

every weekend should be a three day weekend

Seriously, if every weekend was a 3 day weekend i think i would be a much happier person. I would much rather work four 10 hour days and have 3 days off. I think i would be much more productive.
I have already got a lot accomplished this morning and i feel very refreshed. Adding to the nice relaxing long weekend was the fact that dan was also home for the 3 days. This is something that is EXTREMELY rare, so it was nice to be able to sleep in and chill with him. Now i am back at work. It only took about 5 mins for me to become frustrated, but i am trying my best to brush it off and not let certain people bring down my great mood. Now that the summer has unoffically started i am ready to start planning things to do over the next 3 and a half months. I don't think we will phsyically go away this summer, which is fine with me. I am happy just hanging out and taking a few day trips. We already have a few concerts and red sox games we are going to, throw in a few beach days and i will be one happy camper! :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

sucky week

i should rename this post to sucky 10 days. It seems like everything i touch just has gone to shit. Everything started off with a mistake (my bad) at work. Of course this was my fault and there was nothing i could do. A pretty major mistake at that, but nothing that couldnt be resolved, but cut to the crazy people i work with and it just made the remainder of last week hell. Like not wanting to leave the comfort of the walls of my house or even see sunlight bad. The weekend was pretty good so i was able to start feeling a little better. As the previous post says we stayed out wayyyy too late on sunday night so Monday i was dragging ass for much of the day. With someone out in my department i was pretty busy all day and just wanted to crawl in a hole and sleep by 5pm. Tuesday rolled around, i was no longer a zombie and was feeling better. This is the day the planets aligned to make my life hell. Another problem was brought to my attention (not my fault this time) but its getting blamed on me. You bet your ass i have spent the entire week fighting over a he said/she said problem (which is an uphill battle that im pretty sure the end result is we will agree to disagree on) . As i have been fighting this my allergies/possible Swine Flu have been KICKING my ass!! Then all kinds of other tiny headaches from clients/coworkers has made the past week UNbearable! Yesterday i couldnt even focus for more than 10 mins. I ached, coughed, sneezed, and still had to deal with petty client BS. The tone of the work place lately has been miserable as well, this has made me especially grumpy. Now the week has been topped off with a big fat bruins playoff elimination making for a VERY grumpy hubby (and the rest of my family really) Today has been better, but not great. I can not stop hacking up a lung and the day is DRAGGING. I'm looking forward to the weekend where i can just regroup and start fresh on monday. So damn it planets, realign to make someone elses life hell and LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Drunk People

One of my favorite things to do is be a sober person in a sea of drunks. Don't get me wrong, i love to get my party on but sometimes its just too expensive to do so (or i want to actually remember the experience!) I love the bostons sports scene. I love how intense fans get and how passionate people are about their teams. Every so often when I go to a sporting event i will have a beer or 2, but usually no more than that. I am just far too cheap to spend more than 14 bucks on freeking beer in a plastic cup. That being said, i am probably one of the only people attending who feels this way so i am often the lone sober person in my section. I actually find this enjoyable. Last night for example, we were at the Bruins play off game. It was a must win game for the bruins. Having spent about 100 bucks per ticket i really wanted to enjoy the game and remember everything that was going on. I got my Giant Souvenir soda and chicken basket (and recycled shirt!!) and sat back and enjoyed the game! Every person around us was drinking, heavily. Not just beer either, i saw daiquiris, stoli and sprites, even rum and cokes. By the 3rd period everyone was TANKED. They gave everyone in the crowd free playoff towels to wave in the air. By the end of the game the towels were being thrown on the ice and at other people, braided together to make ropes, and (my personal fav) to dance obscenely! The guy in front of us was the high five king and turned around and yelled and gave everyone highfives in every row, including behind me, all night. I enjoyed watching drunks stagger up the steep stairs with 2 full beers in their hands trying to not spill anything. The best part of my sober night was in the parking garage. first off drunk people wandering around trying to remember where they parked, PRICELESS. Drunk fans screaming 'lets go bruins' all the way from the garden to Government center is priceless. Sitting in our car the people behind us were honking their horns and cheering 'lets go traffic HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK.' My favorite drunk guy of the night came just as we were about the leave the garage. Ian had his window down and the guy came over to high five him, Ian stuck his hand out got a highfive and the guy started going nuts "WOO WOOO WOO YEA!!" he screamed while thrusting his pelvis @ my brother and mom. He was WAY too excited about that highfive!
This isn't the first time ive been the sober one, at the dropkick murphys concert i also opted to stay sober, milking my one beer all night. People stumbling up the stairs kept me entertained all night.
Coming up this summer we have 2 red sox games, one being against the yankees where fans are SUPER intense. I look forward to watching drunk asses there too.
Some times being the sober person with all the drunks is worth it. I had so much more fun people watching than i would have had being drunk. Considering all the booze that people had last night the crowd was happy and there were no fights amongst fans. It was a great night to be a Bostonian and a hockey fan!

Friday, May 1, 2009


Ive always been a music geek. There's just something about a great song with great lyrics that makes me happy. I love a song can define an emotion that i am feeling. I love when you have not heard a song for years and it comes on you can still sing along and remember just what you were feeling when that song was popular. This morning, i was driving to work listening to my zune when "thinking of you" came on. As soon as it came on i was flooded with memories of the summer of 97. How many times i listened to that song. What i was feeling/doing that summer. It was all fresh in my brain. Fast forward a few hours and No doubt is on the today show. They sang some old songs and before one of the breaks they played ex girlfriend. Floods of memories came to me then. I ordered that CD online and it came in right before my Jr Prom. I remember listening to that song over and over my Jr year. Nothing will ever make me feel the way music does. I love lyrics that i can relate to in situations in my life. Whether I'm happy, sad, silly, bored, crazy, whatever I may be feeling. I know that there will always be a good soundtrack to play out my emotions.