Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I am by no means athletic. I am actually horribly awkward and uncoordinated. i haven't played a sport since i was in 8th grade(ish) and we didnt even HAVE gym in high school. i am also not the most patient person in the world so i always lose interest in activities i am not immediately skilled at. I hate how terrible i am at every sport i try. I loath the act of running and really, really, really suck at it. Coordination is NOT my strong suit. If there's a way to awkwardly get hurt, fall, miss a ball, and hit my self in the face, I will find it!
Which leads me to last night. In my never ending quest to actually have a hobby and do something productive with my life (and to maybe get in a little shape!) I decided to give the fine sport of tennis a try. Lets remind everyone that i am horribly out of shape and tennis involves a LOT of running. I decided to learn with my brother, who plays hockey and has made it his lifes mission to make me feel like an awkward sloth. While we were both learning yesterday he pointed out how terribly i run. Now i have a complex, have people been making fun of me my whole life for the way i run?? I mean i know people have been making fun of me my whole life, but i never thought running would be used for their ammunition! This makes me want to practice my running. to prove that i can overcome my lack of coordination and at least become ok @ tennis. Tennis last night went ok. i am not very good and found plenty of ways too look like a fool, but i think for my first time i did ok. I want to practice a lot so i can get better, i could see how tennis could be fun but right now its one of us serving the ball (which we have both become excellent @) and the other one chasing after it. And i keep swinging my racket and completely missing the ball, but other than that i did ok! :)
We might go back out tonight, it has been raining all day, but it did stop i need to stick to this hobby!


Anonymous said...

Would have been way cooler if this blog was about

amy said...


Mark said...

Damn my undercover skills need work

Caitlin said...

Okay, your brother is the one who's called you fat in his G chat status for how many years now? Don't listen to him teasing your running!!

amy said...

for like 4 and now its im obese. i have apparently put on a few!

Caitlin said...

Point being, he's your little brother. It's his job to make fun of you, even when it's not true! lol.