Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Play Artist Hanson

I am now the proud owner of a brand new 08 red Ford Focus!!! Its loaded too! power everything, moon roof, sync, ambient lighting, satellite radio and tons of other stuff that i dont need!! lol.

The first place we went to for cars gave us such a hard time i thought for sure we were NOT going to be getting the car of my dreams. We left there since they wanted my first born before i was even able to drive in the car (that they LATER told me they would have to ORDER for me). We went to the 2nd place and there was the car right up front! Two other people were also looking at focus while we were there! i was like stay away from mine! haha. So i fell in love with it right away and the dealership was so much better! They were laid back and made us feel comfortable. It made my car buying experience perfect!! I got a great deal on it too!! I can not wait to pick it up tonight and play with it!! lol

A bit of me is feeling nostalgic. I will miss you terribly Leon, you have been with me through a lot and i know you will make someone else really happy! i hope they take good care of you and give you lots of oil changes and car washes!! :'(

Monday, April 28, 2008


I am absolutely a weather affected person. Last week i was barely tired, was motivated to go for walks and even ventured out every day at lunch! The weather last week was unheard of for an entire week in April for New England. We all knew it wouldnt last, so we made the most of it. This weekend it came to an end. Saturday during our after dinner walk it was so cold! I spent the day cleaning the house and trying to get the pollen and stuff off the pupster. we got her nice and clean and fluffy! Sunday was absolutely miserable. All that motivation from the past week was gone and i was back into my rut of a life. I slept till 1115!! I barely left the house all day (only to gas up the neon!!) and i was freeeeeezing! I hate my mood being determined by clouds and rain. Today was no different. I woke up and it was soo cold in the house i didnt want to get out of bed. Now im here at work (cold) and i have my heat on and it pouring out. All i want to do is nap. It does not help that it isnt supposed to be nice again until like Wednesday (i use the term loosely as its going to be breezy, clouds and 55* -thanks weather plug in!)
One of the things i like about New England is how we get to appricaite these nicer days since we endure such a long, miserable winter. But after having a little taste i want more. Im sick of being cold and having to wear 50 shirts @ home! i want to open the windows and sit out back and read! Summer can not get here fast enough!

Friday, April 25, 2008


This has been SUCH a week for me. It started with hitting that damn pole @ mcdonalds and then yesterday @ 8am i get pulled over! (by someone who attended my WEDDING). Luckily he just laughed at me and let me go.
Last night we went to eat at chilis and stupid me thought it was a great idea to get the big mouth jalepeno burger. I ate like 3/4s of it and like 1/2 my fries and i am just NOW starting to feel hungry! i swear to god i felt sooo sick last night it was crazy. Next time i will stick to chicken tacos!!
Nothing planned for the weekend, just catching up on sleep and such and maybe some cleaning. im so fun! =)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

lime green is way better

Today is going WAY better than yesterday! Dan and i were able to fix my mirror and we didnt even have to use anything ghetto. Team work helped us pop it back in!! Hooray for team work! So i was happy and i immediately felt like 83492 lbs lighter. I had been so stressed all afternoon about it!

Today we went tanning again we gathered a little group of ppl and i just laid down, shut my eyes and blocked everyone/thing out. Its nice to just b mindless every now and again. And i definitely got some color. I smell like copertone now, but its ok! The sun, i think, also made me a little tired. I could absolutely use a nap.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


When one is wearing yellow they should have a perfectly sunny day. Not so today. Things were going great when i went out this afternoon and headed to old navy. I stopped @ mcdonalds to get some sweet tea and i FUCKING HIT A POLE AT THE DRIVE THRU. my fucking mirror is now broken =( Dan THINKS he can fix it... We'll see. I need a drink if u ask me! lol. hopefully i can make it home minus my mirror without crashing. I would like to crawl in a hole now

Monday, April 21, 2008

weekend should b longer.

This weekend was sooo perfect! Dan took Saturday off and the weather was perfect. We got up had some breakfast and headed out for a few errands. I laid in the sun for a few hours and we got the pup a runner for her to hang out with us. It was really nice to just hang out in the sun with the fam. We went for ice cream and i got my FAV flavor (pineapple orange) in a cone! yuuuunmmmmy! Then we watched the crazy bruins game and i think the noise @ my house was 'garden level!!' lol

Sunday dan worked all day. i laid in the sun and was basically domestic all day. I took the frigging puppy for a walk by myself and the bitch, who never does anything while we're on a walk, decides to shit right in the middle of the road!! i was so embarrassed! i hope no one saw!! note to self, ALWAY keep a baggy in ur pocket!! ugh! lol.

Now im back to work, on a state holiday, and its a drag. I was able to get out for lunch and its nice and sunny out. So i'll take it! lol. Game 7 of the bruins game @ my house AGAIN tonight! lol

Friday, April 18, 2008

spring is in the air part TWO

All week i have made it a point to get out of this building for lunch. The weather has been picture perfect. Today has been the best day of all. I broke out the flip flops and Capri pants. I brought my beach bag and picnic blanket and a pair of shorts. Then at lunch my boss and I changed into our beach clothes and drove down the road to the baseball field in her bmw! We broke put some baby oil and laid down some blankets and tanned for about an hour... it was so perfect. Now im back here, i feel completely rejuvenated! tanning should be part of my work day EVERY day!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spring is in the air

This weekend ended up being superb! We woke up on saturday and it was sunny so i turned on weather scan and there was no rain coming! So we got up got dressed packed a picnic and took the dog for a hike! She LOVED it! It was a perfect day!
Sunday i bummed around and didnt really do much.
Monday i opened my big fat mouth here and my co workers ended up finding out that they MISSED my birthday!! They ended up getting me an ice cream cake! lol. It was good. But i was embarrassed! LOL
Then yesterday Ace Young from Idol was here. He was super hot and it was cool. Everyone was all desperate housewives over him. Lol and he LOVED every Minuet of it!! lol I have Pix on my Picasa

Friday, April 11, 2008

Random things

First, i was driving home from work the other day and noticed that one of the houses i drive by still had christmas decor up in their front yard! Snow has been melted for MONTHS now there is NO excuses for this!
Second, All week we have been taking bindi for walks, We make it all the way to like feet from our house and this cat tries attacking her! its happened twice now! Bindi looks at it, but is otherwise uninterested, shes just happy to be out for a walk!! This cat is relentless and followed us all the way to the house last night. Shouldnt the cat be afraid of my dog?
Third, why is it when im not bubbly or talkative ppl ASSUME something is wrong?? maybe i just want to keep to myself today? maybe im enjoying the solace of a friday afternoon being done with my work?
And Finally, why does it always rain on my outdoor plans?? :( i feel like i live in a rain forest!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

blog blog blog

I Love spring! Its finally starting to get nice out. No super nice, but nice enough that We have started to walk Bindi after dinner and she LOVES it! Its also been nice enough to only have to wear my spring jacket. Now if it were only nice enough to wear all my new clothes, that would be another story! Anyways, i will take it! Im bummed that Saturday is supposed to be a wash out. I have decided that i really need a get away from this place! like a nice long weekend Just away from everyone... Im getting really tired of people... people singing to be specific! lol.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Manic monday

This morning for some stupid reason the alarm SAID it was 705am but it was ACTUALLY 605am... idk wtf was wrong with it. but dan was like i'll just set my phone... well dippy set his phone for 705PM soooo we woke up @ 745!!! i got dressed and ready and out the damn door sooo fast! it was crazy! I have been off all day now too. Like i never really woke up, but its all good. almost 5.. almost time to go home! =)
my weekend was good. Saturday we went to the B's game. it was a snooze fest. There was, however, a nice bar room brawl in an alley on our way back to the car... THAT was the highlight of the night.
yesterday we hung out with nic and eric... we went shopping and out to eat.
That was pretty much the extent of my weekend. As always it went by waaaaay to fast and i can not wait for the next one =)