Monday, April 28, 2008


I am absolutely a weather affected person. Last week i was barely tired, was motivated to go for walks and even ventured out every day at lunch! The weather last week was unheard of for an entire week in April for New England. We all knew it wouldnt last, so we made the most of it. This weekend it came to an end. Saturday during our after dinner walk it was so cold! I spent the day cleaning the house and trying to get the pollen and stuff off the pupster. we got her nice and clean and fluffy! Sunday was absolutely miserable. All that motivation from the past week was gone and i was back into my rut of a life. I slept till 1115!! I barely left the house all day (only to gas up the neon!!) and i was freeeeeezing! I hate my mood being determined by clouds and rain. Today was no different. I woke up and it was soo cold in the house i didnt want to get out of bed. Now im here at work (cold) and i have my heat on and it pouring out. All i want to do is nap. It does not help that it isnt supposed to be nice again until like Wednesday (i use the term loosely as its going to be breezy, clouds and 55* -thanks weather plug in!)
One of the things i like about New England is how we get to appricaite these nicer days since we endure such a long, miserable winter. But after having a little taste i want more. Im sick of being cold and having to wear 50 shirts @ home! i want to open the windows and sit out back and read! Summer can not get here fast enough!

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