Wednesday, April 23, 2008

lime green is way better

Today is going WAY better than yesterday! Dan and i were able to fix my mirror and we didnt even have to use anything ghetto. Team work helped us pop it back in!! Hooray for team work! So i was happy and i immediately felt like 83492 lbs lighter. I had been so stressed all afternoon about it!

Today we went tanning again we gathered a little group of ppl and i just laid down, shut my eyes and blocked everyone/thing out. Its nice to just b mindless every now and again. And i definitely got some color. I smell like copertone now, but its ok! The sun, i think, also made me a little tired. I could absolutely use a nap.


Caitlin said...

What does lime green have to do with the entry? haha.

It really is wonderful to clear your mind in the middle of the day. VERY important.

amy said...

lol i was wearing lime green! lol =)

Caitlin said...

Ohhh, ok, haha.