This morning while eating my cheerios and watching the morning news i see a story about Gov Patrick wanting to help obesity in the bay state. while this is a good idea in theory it really makes me angry. Dan and I go out to eat MAYBE once a month (usually even less than that). When we do go its an indulgence. For the most part, when we eat at home we eat pretty healthy. If gov patrick has his way, restaurants will start posting calorie counts on the menu. This absolutely ruins eating out for me. I will see that the pasta dish i really want has 9000 calories in it and i will feel sick and get the grilled chicken that i really do not want. I get that supporters of this want the public to be informed, but when i go out I KNOW that the food is bad for me, i just do not want to be reminded of it and i really dont think this is going to cure obesity.
So i guess i will never eat out again or i will have to hope that they print the calories way too small for me to see so i can enjoy my chicken tacos and not feel like i should go for a run after i eat them!!
/end rant
okay so when you go out to eat, check the menu online before you leave. since the website isn't just for massachusetts locations, they may not have the calorie counts. :)
then you don't have to look at the menu at all at the restaurant.
this is why i love u caitlin! genius!!
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